Standing Rock/ DAPL Reading

Today I pulled cards on a subject that is so close to my heart💗: The DAPL and Standing Rock Protest. My question was: What can we do as individuals to impact the protest if we can't physically be there?
Earth Elemental is all about being grounded and thanking Mother Earth for all of the gifts she is regularly giving us.Stay connected to Mother Nature and give gratitude. This also feels like "stand your ground". Combined with Lizard, being a ruler of the subconscious, he is a message to contribute your energy to this cause through an offering of prayer, meditation, witchcraft, positive vibes, shamanic journey, or whatever way you feel fit. Whatever it is you can contribute... just do it🕯
Sulis (bodies of water) comes into the reading, and It is no surprise. Water is a life source, water is healing and We are made of water. We need it and can't live without it. This Goddess stepping forward I just feel an urgency to act on behalf of the water💧
All together this is saying we need to send our energy to the land, water and natives. Energetically and spiritually, we are so powerful and when we gather as souls with the same agenda we really do make a difference in this world. Let's raise the vibration of earth and the collective consciousness.
I will be doing nightly meditations if you would like to join me at 9 PM CST for the next 2 weeks. Please comment or DM for questions or details. Share this time with friends and family. Namaste