Jordyn Copeland
Aug 28, 2017
Weekly Reading for 8/28-9/3
✨Theme: True Desire Evaluation ✨Message:" Be 100% Authentic with Yourself." When it comes to matters of the heart... this week, evaluate...

Jordyn Copeland
Aug 21, 2017
Weekly Reading of 8/21-8/27
🌞🌚What a bang to start off this week💥 I won't lie, working with the eclipse energy has completely wiped me today🥀 That is why it is...

Jordyn Copeland
Aug 14, 2017
Weekly Tarot 8/14-8/20
Message: “Let your garden grow” ✨Theme: Productiveness The intensity of the chariot and the grace of the Empress. ✨It seems to be kind of...

Jordyn Copeland
Aug 7, 2017
Weekly Tarot 8/7/17-8/13/17
🔮Here is this weeks tarot draw and full moon eclipse draw🔮 🕯This weeks energy is one of a cross roads. It's more of the hard reality...

Jordyn Copeland
Aug 1, 2017
August: Theme of the month- Moving Forward
This month, you will go into a deeper level of your needs. I see there is a need for a more spiritual or emotional connection and less...