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  • Jordyn Copeland

Daily Draw 10-6-16

I literally could not stop pulling cards this morning. I just knew the message was complex today. Once I got all the cards out on the table, it couldn't be more clear....

For today's energy I pulled the death card. There are so many changes that are taking place right now. You're shedding old skin and shaking your bones out to work through these life shifts. 💀

What needs to be embraced here is foresight of the future of what you truly want and what fuels you? Your passion⚡️. Do you find yourself thinking about the stepping stones on how to arrive to the desired destination? WELL......STOP IT!

You need to let the universe take care of the details. See the bigger picture... If you end goal is to be a rail road owner/ conductor , then see yourself driving the train! Don't think about how much each rail will cost and go out and pick a uniform. Then all you have is a bunch of rails and a weird costume sitting in your living room... but do those help you become the worlds best train conductor?! No. Okay, okay, it's a terrible analogy... but you get the point. I hope. Just focus on what drives your soul and see the end result.. okay?!

Goddess Lakshmi is our advice today. She keeps coming to me the last few months! Literally showing up everywhere I turn. She has such a loving comfort aire to her. She is all about abundance and prosperity (spiritually and materially).

Anyway, reversed she shows me you have been worrying a lot about the future, lately. All these changes have you a little uneasy. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you are incredibly impatient... and you need to take a chill pill💊. Divine timing is different than ours, firstly. Secondly, after you have asked the universe for what you want, you have to surrender it. Let it go. Have faith it will materialize into your reality. Just KNOW it's on the way.

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