Jordyn Copeland
Nov 2, 2016
Standing Rock/ DAPL Reading
Today I pulled cards on a subject that is so close to my heart💗: The DAPL and Standing Rock Protest. My question was: What can we do as...
Jordyn Copeland
Nov 1, 2016
Crawl Before You Walk
It is like you are leaping or going one step ahead of yourself right now. I see you trying to move forward in new ideas, but you are...
Jordyn Copeland
Oct 27, 2016
That Grudge Is Holding You Back...
All I see is smoke in mirrors in this card. There is hurt lingering within you, and a grudge is being held on to. Mary shows me the need...
Jordyn Copeland
Oct 20, 2016
Daily Draw 10-20-16
While shuffling all of these cards popped out before I could even attempt to pull any. I absolutely love when spirit does all the work...
Jordyn Copeland
Oct 19, 2016
Daily Draw 10-19-16
You are confused on what path to take in the future. You feel stuck on where your focus or goals should be. Questions of "what will be...